Terms of Use

Terms of Use


Welcome to MotoMall. This platform is a service offered by MotoMall, hereinafter referred to as the "Company", the "Platform", or "We". By accessing or using our services, you agree to the terms and conditions specified in this document.

1. Acceptance of Terms:

By using MotoMall, you signify your agreement to these terms. If you disagree with any parts of these terms, kindly refrain from using our platform.

2. Role of MotoMall:

MotoMall operates as an intermediary between buyers and dealerships. Although we aim to provide accurate information, we do not guarantee the correctness of pricing or other details. This information is for informational purposes only. MotoMall does not warrant transactions or bear responsibility for them. Any disputes or issues related to purchases or services must be addressed directly with the relevant dealership.

3. Product Imagery and Descriptions:

Images of products on MotoMall are purely representational. Actual product attributes, colors, and packaging may diverge from those depicted.

4. Limitation of Liability:

Regardless of other provisions of these Terms, if MotoMall is found to be liable for any damage or loss which arises out of your use of the platform, MotoMall's liability shall not exceed INR 3,500 (or an equivalent in the applicable currency). This limitation of liability mirrors the distribution of risk between the parties.

5. Sharing of User Details:

By utilizing MotoMall, you endow us with the right to share your details with dealerships for arranging test drives or addressing inquiries. Responsibility for these handled requests rests with the dealership, and MotoMall does not guarantee the fulfillment of these requests.

6. External Links and Others' Advertisements:

MotoMall may present links to external websites or feature third-party advertisements. We hold no control or endorsement over these third-party content, products, or services, and we bear no responsibility for their substance or accuracy.

7. Interactions with Others:

Your interactions on MotoMall are exclusively between you and the corresponding parties. We assume no responsibility for conflicts, damages, or other issues emerging from such interactions.

8. Registration:

To access certain features of MotoMall, users may need to:

  • Register for an account.
  • By registering, you agree to all the terms specified in this terms of use document, as well as the disclaimer and privacy policy of the platform.
  • Provide accurate, current, and complete information.
  • Maintain and promptly update your information.
  • Keep your password confidential and are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. Users may face consequences for not keeping this information updated or for providing false information.

9. User Responsibilities:

As a user of MotoMall, you agree not to:

  • Use MotoMall for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the platform's systems.
  • Share or distribute malicious code or harmful data.

10. Arbitration Guidelines:

Should any conflicts arise from the use of MotoMall, they will be governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (India). Both parties will reciprocally designate an arbitrator. If the parties cannot settle on an arbitrator, a default provision will be implemented.

11. Intellectual Property Rights:

All content featured on MotoMall including texts, images, logos, and software, is owned by the Company and is safeguarded by Indian copyright laws. Unauthorized utilization may infringe copyright, trademark, and other laws, and may result in conceivable legal action.

12. Termination of Services:

We hold the right to suspend or rescind your account and access to MotoMall at our discretion without notice, under circumstances we believe violate these Terms, harms other users, us, third parties, or for any other pertinent reason.

13. Disclaimers:

MotoMall is offered on an "as-is" and "as-available" premise. We categorically refute any guarantees, be they express or implied, concerning the completeness, accuracy, or availability of products, services, or related graphics on MotoMall.

14. Indemnification:

You consent to defend, indemnify and absolve the Company, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from any claims, actions, allegations or demands, including legal and accounting fees, originating or resulting from your use of MotoMall or your violation of these Terms.

15. Governing Law:

These Terms will be governed by the laws of India, and any disputes will be resolved by the courts of Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

16. Amendments:

We reserve the right to revise these Terms at our discretion. Users will be notified of amendments through emails, notifications on the platform, or other methods. Regularly review these Terms. Continued usage of MotoMall implies acceptance of any changes.

17. Privacy:

Your use of MotoMall is also dictated by our Privacy Policy. Please review it to comprehend our practices.

18. Contact:

For any inquiries about these Terms or the platform, contact us at hello@motomall.in.

19. Miscellaneous:

If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable, then that provision will be elucidated to reflect the original intent of the parties, and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

20. Copyright/Trademark Information:

Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved. All trademarks, logos, and service marks showcased on the Site are our property or the property of other third parties. You are not permitted to use these Marks without our prior written consent or the consent of the third party who may own the Marks.

© 2024 MotoMall. All Rights Reserved